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Helping businesses choose better software since 1999 vs Clustdoc: Which is a better fit?

Updated on January 15th, 2025
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Features selected based on 6,454 reviews from Workflow Management users.
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Customizable Reports
Task Management
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A multitude of teams, big, small, and cross-functional, in a variety of industries worldwide. Its intuitive interface and customization capabilities makes it suitable for any project and business.

Who uses Clustdoc? Small business owners and teams that want to streamline their onboarding processes in more than 70 countries (Financial services, Real estate, Legal services and other industries).

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Amber W
Project Manager

Amber: My name is Amber. I'm an IT project manager for a healthcare company. The company size is about 5,000. Also, the product for Monday, I would rate it a five. So I was using Asana prior to and the reason why that wasn't really working, lack of features. So that product didn't allow a lot of implementations as allows. Meaning when I'm working with a team, I'm able to just go ahead and put in all of their resources. So the resource management was really great. If there were any files, like large files, it was easier to share out with the team using so everyone could have access to it. Asana, unfortunately, it just allowed me to track task, but working with a larger sized team and a bigger company, was perfect for that. I chose basically for my team and my team's size. So I was able to allow my team to get acquainted with the product. A lot of them were used to using Asana. A lot of them were used to me tagging them in their task, but I showed them that that tool for allowed me to go a deeper depth with them and dive into really what their assigned tasks were individually for the team. So they were able to keep track of that. Also, I was managing about four plus projects at the same time, so it was a lot easier for me to go ahead and create different tasks per project for team members. So I worked with the digital team, I worked with creative, I worked with the real estate team. So all of that was just easier to keep separate and just allow those teams to really go in and own their task and own their individual projects that they were doing. When getting set up with, it really didn't take very long because as a project manager, I am trained to use a lot of different resources and tools. I liked the layout of it a lot better, again, than a lot of the other project management tools that I've used in the past, like Asana and Jira. just had a very simple design and layout, so it was very easy for me to go ahead if I needed to add anything into projects. Like again, the file sizes were very large for our teams, because they were very large projects. So getting set up took about, I'd say a couple of weeks, but first off the first week was training the team members on using that tool. So they were really happy with the training that we provided for them for that week-long training. Then the second week was just going ahead and doing the trial run with the team to see how again, the team liked the product. They did find it a lot easier to work with again, because when you're managing four different projects and there's about 12 people per team, they like the simplicity of being able to own their task and be able to go in and make their own edits and share their files, sizes, however large, throughout the team. So it took about a couple of weeks, but the team definitely was appreciative of me implementing that tool. So the advice I would give to anyone interested in trying out, first off the pricing, depends again on what you're looking for. The product is great, so I recommend doing the trial run with your team. I know a lot of people from different companies might have smaller companies, and they're used to using that product like Asana. Our company was much smaller and we really didn't have the funds to try to venture out and try a bunch of different products, but was recommended to us, so we decided to give that a trial run. Based on the pricing, we were able to afford it. So if you're interested in using that product, do your research, find out what you're looking for specifically. You might not need as many resources as a larger company does, but it is nice to have that benefit for your team members so that they're able to just complete their task on time, keeping track of their own individual projects. They can own that. So yes, just definitely go ahead and do your research. It depends on what company, again, you are. I was healthcare, so for us, our healthcare team was a much larger size, and that product just fit with our team.

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Jay M

Jay M.: Hi, my name is Jay. I'm the founder of a marketing and advertising agency, and I give Clustdoc four out of five stars. And for more reviews like this, please click below. Before Clustdoc, we were doing everything with Google Forms, and it wasn't a bad way to go, especially because everything lives in those hubs. The problem was there was always access issues, that data was only Excel sheet driven. Couldn't upload files and have it all in one place. It felt very disjointed from the rest of the onboarding processes we needed when we were acquiring different types of information from our clients during the early stages of their onboarding process. So Clustdoc solved that problem, but that was an issue that we saw with Google Forms. And outside of Google Forms, the only other software we've ever used was ClientPoint, but it was just for proposals, so we don't even touch that one anymore either. So I found Clustdoc on an AppSumo deal, and AppSumo's a marketplace for up and coming app developers. It's a great place to launch an app. And I actually was looking for something at the time and thought, "This is exactly what I need. I need something great for onboarding." It at first was a little... I wasn't sure if it was going to work, because it was built for real estate mostly, and schools and education. But we were able to quickly adapt the templates they had to be suited for our needs, and it was a really great addition to our software stack from then on moving forward. Originally onboarding Clustdoc was pretty straightforward. Creating the account was really easy. It had a little bit of a learning curve in the sense that the way that they had some of the portals from where you'd enter information to create a new question, or a drop down, or a section you had to upload something, that was a little weird at first to learn because it was laid out much differently than we had thought, and you have to kind of click into it a couple times. So that was actually more of a UX experience fail than anything else, but they've made it easier since then. I'd still say it's not perfect as far as what would make it completely user-friendly and completely effortless, but it's pretty easy. But that was the one thing we noticed with onboarding that was a little difficult getting started, was figuring out where everything was inside of the app, which was surprising because the app was so simple. But after you kind of figure out where everything lies, it becomes a lot easier to maneuver and get moving forward with your campaigns. I would say if you're on the fence about whether or not you want this as an onboarding piece of software, as a software to take invoices even, I'd look at your tech stack already, and I would not use this for accepting payments. It's great to have all in one place. I wouldn't do that, just because I think that some of the other software solutions make it easier for accounting. So instead, I'd look at it strictly from an onboarding perspective, and I would compare it to say Google Forms, and put yourself in the customer's shoes and say, "If my customer got a Google Form that's free for me to do versus something that's a little bit more clean, and almost in a website where it's digital, it's an interface, and you have step-by-step instructions to upload documents that you may need, which one's going to feel a lot more professional and which one's more appropriate?" Because you might not need Clustdoc. If you really only have to get like three pieces of information out of somebody, a Google Form's a lot more attuned to Excel sheet style documentation, whereas Clustdoc was really great for files. So I would take a look at your particular scenario and see which one may be better suited for you, and move from that. But yeah, I would keep it on your docket if you're definitely doing files, especially if you're doing rental agreements and real estate stuff, and you have people that have to send you stuff, it's definitely one of the best platforms for that.

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Top Features
  • Graphical Workflow Editor
  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Activity Dashboard
  • Activity Tracking
  • Alerts/Notifications
  • API
  • Approval Process Control
  • Business Process Automation
  • Calendar Management
  • Collaboration Tools
  • Commenting/Notes
  • Compliance Tracking
  • Customizable Dashboard
  • Customizable Fields
  • Customizable Reports
  • Data Import/Export
  • Document Management
  • Drag & Drop
  • Email Management
  • Forms Management
  • Mobile Access
  • Monitoring
  • No-Code
  • Progress Tracking
  • Project Workflow
  • Real-Time Data
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Role-Based Permissions
  • Rules-Based Workflow
  • Search/Filter
  • Task Management
  • Template Management
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Workflow Configuration
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  • Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based
  • Desktop - Mac
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  • Desktop - Linux
  • Desktop - Chromebook
  • On-Premise - Windows
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  • Mobile - Android
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  • Email/Help Desk
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  • Documentation
  • Videos
  • Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based
  • Desktop - Mac
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  • Desktop - Linux
  • Desktop - Chromebook
  • On-Premise - Windows
  • On-Premise - Linux
  • Mobile - Android
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  • Email/Help Desk
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  • Knowledge Base
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  • 24/7 (Live rep)
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  • In Person
  • Live Online
  • Webinars
  • Documentation
  • Videos
  • By
  • Located in Israel
  • Founded in 2014
  • By Clust Technologies
  • Located in France
  • Founded in 2017

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