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LiveChat vs Intercom: Which is a better fit?

Updated on December 10th, 2024
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Features selected based on 3,328 reviews from Live Chat users.
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LiveChat is used worldwide by over 37,000 happy customers from every industry. Thanks to varied pricing plans, and feature customization options, LiveChat serves businesses of all sizes.

Customer service teams from more than 25,000 global organizations, including Atlassian, Amazon and Microsoft, rely on Intercom to deliver efficient and personal customer experiences at scale.

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Rilwan B
Owner and Product Designer

Rilwan : Hi, my name is Rilwan. I'm the Product Designer at, Active Media Limited. Right now, we've got a team of six people, including me. On a scale of one to five, I would give LiveChats a four out of a five. Thanks. Recently, most people would like to get immediate response to whatever issues they've got with platforms. So, if it's via an email, most times, we'll probably reply to emails in a day or two. Via a call, we don't have enough manpower for the Call [inaudible 00:00:34]. If it is via a chat, that's immediate. So that makes it faster for people to actually just get whatever issues they need to get fixed. So, that's what we'll be using it for now. In the sense that, we deal with payments [inaudible 00:00:47], and that's always one of the things that you need to make sure is sorted out, probably that day. If it's via an email, that might take a day or two. Or with the LiveChats, it makes it easier to just talk to the customer and make sure whatever they need fixed, is fixed. The ease of using LiveChats, is easy to integrate into the software. It's... The backup option, is easy as well, [inaudible 00:01:16] the way it analyzes the data. So, when you need to go back and if there's a query with something, you can always go back and try to sort out... okay, whatever the issue is. So, that would be the first. Then the second would be, the usability. It's easy to use for everyone on the team. So, those two options. Yeah. The one dislike would be, the pricing. I think, to get all the functionality, you'll probably pay almost $60 per agent. And for small business like us, that can be a little bit pricey. So, that would be the only dislike I've got about them, rather. Yeah. Thanks.

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Rilwan B
Owner and Product Designer

Rilwan B.: Hi. My name is Rilwan. I'm the product designer, co-founder for Aetiv Media Limited. On a scale of one to five, I would give Intercom a five. Thank you. Before we started using Intercom, we used LiveChat for a couple of months, but it's not like we really had an issue with it. It was just that Intercom was the perfect fit for us. I had a conversation with another founder friend of mine. I was just talking about the chatting and the SMS functionalities, just trying to increase customer relations in the business, and they mentioned something about they've been using Intercom in their startup and it's been really impressive. So, it wasn't like we really had anything against LiveChat. It was just the fact that Intercom was more of the perfect fit for us. Thanks. With Intercom, it was just easier for us to actually integrate it into the business. We run a media startup company, so basically, content creators create contents and put that behind a paywall. And we've got people from different parts of the world using our platform with different time differences as well, so it was just easier with Intercom; the language functionalities, the backup, the ease to set up as well. These were all the major selling points, why we decided to switch to Intercom, and that's what we've been using ever since. Thanks. Yeah, with Intercom, setting it up was actually very easy. We've got softwares in the company that when we need to set it up, that would always be for the people in the programming departments to set that up. If it's the marketing section, probably the marketing people set it up. But for Intercom, it was easier to set up. I did the setting up myself, so that was really straightforward. It was easy to set up and it was easy to integrate into the business as well. Thanks. Like I mentioned earlier, with the fact that we were using LiveChat, it's always about finding the perfect fit for your business, if Intercom is the perfect fit for your business. It's been for us for the past over two, three years now. It's always about what's the perfect fit for your business, what are your business needs, and what platform actually does everything for you. It's great to be pointless, having two platforms that actually does something similar to each other. You might as well just go for one that does everything. That would, of course, save time, and that would reduce costs as well. So, my advice would be if what you need is what Intercom provides, they would be the perfect option to actually go for. Thanks.

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  • Contact Management
  • Document Storage
  • Support Ticket Management
  • Activity Dashboard
  • API
  • Autoresponders
  • Canned Responses
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  • Collaboration Tools
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  • Customizable Branding
  • Email Management
  • File Sharing
  • Geotargeting
  • Interaction Tracking
  • Mobile Access
  • Multi-Channel Communication
  • Offline Form
  • Proactive Chat
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Real-time Consumer-facing Chat
  • Real-Time Monitoring
  • Real-Time Notifications
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Screen Sharing
  • Search/Filter
  • Single Sign On
  • Surveys & Feedback
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Transcripts/Chat History
  • Transfers/Routing
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  • Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based
  • Desktop - Mac
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  • Desktop - Chromebook
  • On-Premise - Windows
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  • Mobile - Android
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  • Email/Help Desk
  • FAQs/Forum
  • Knowledge Base
  • Phone Support
  • 24/7 (Live rep)
  • Chat
  • In Person
  • Live Online
  • Webinars
  • Documentation
  • Videos
  • Cloud, SaaS, Web-Based
  • Desktop - Mac
  • Desktop - Windows
  • Desktop - Linux
  • Desktop - Chromebook
  • On-Premise - Windows
  • On-Premise - Linux
  • Mobile - Android
  • Mobile - iPhone
  • Mobile - iPad
  • Email/Help Desk
  • FAQs/Forum
  • Knowledge Base
  • Phone Support
  • 24/7 (Live rep)
  • Chat
  • In Person
  • Live Online
  • Webinars
  • Documentation
  • Videos
  • By Text
  • Located in United States
  • Founded in 2002
  • By Intercom
  • Located in United States
  • Founded in 2011
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