Capterra Glossary
Customer Self-service And Support

Capterra Glossary

Customer Self-service And Support

Customer self-service and support are customer-initiated tools that allow customers to service themselves. These applications allow customers to manage their own customer support, without needing to interact with a real person. These programs come with numerous advantages. They can save time for the customer, and they can also increase the efficiency of a business's staff.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Customer Self-service And Support

As these programs become cheaper and more affordable, small businesses are often in a position where they can take advantage of these programs. However, this must be done with great caution. These programs can be highly useful for customers—but they can also be frustrating if they aren't providing ideal answers. Self-service operations must be optimized for a customers' needs. They must also contain an option that allows a customer to speak with a real person.

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