Capterra Glossary
Procure-to-pay Solution

Capterra Glossary

Procure-to-pay Solution

A procure-to-pay (or purchase-to-pay) system is an integrated digital solution that supports procurement—the practice of obtaining goods and services for business purposes. These systems simplify buying products and services and uploading ready-to-pay files into an accounts payable system. A procure-to-pay platform typically uses a service called "scan and capture," in addition to a supplier portal and/or a multi-enterprise network to manage invoices electronically and collect funds from clients. Organizations using this tool can process invoices that don't match or return faulty or unsold goods to suppliers. 

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Procure-to-pay Solution

An SMB might benefit from a procure-to-pay tool when sourcing goods and services for its business or negotiating contracts with suppliers, manufacturers, and service providers. These systems automate many of the tasks associated with procurement so users can allocate time and resources to other business tasks. 

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