Capterra Glossary
Redaction Tools

Capterra Glossary

Redaction Tools

SMBs use redaction tools to remove information from documents and websites before publishing or sharing that content. There are various reasons why an organization might redact content. The content has potential legal issues, it could contain inaccurate or outdated information, it might be offensive, it could contain sensitive information that an SMB doesn't want to share to the public, or the organization needs to censor information when responding to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Redaction tools can remove both text and images from a document and specific words and phrases from websites so that information doesn't show on search engines. While redaction tools have existed for decades, more SMBs now use these platforms to improve brand reputation and protect company information.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Redaction Tools

SMBs benefit from redaction tools because these programs eliminate the manual tasks associated with removing or hiding content from documents and websites. Concealing potentially litigious content from external sources can also prevent an SMB from being sued.

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