IT & Software Development

How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel

Alexandra Bower profile picture
By Alexandra Bower - Guest Contributor

6 min read
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Pivot tables can be a helpful tool if you're planning to explore, analyze and compare data.

Increases in volume and complexity of your Excel data sets often make it difficult to analyze and utilize information. Since manually sorting through loads of data-packed rows can be tedious and time consuming, Excel’s pivot table feature can come in handy. 

Pivot tables allow you to quickly and easily summarize, analyze, explore, and present large data sets in Excel. With just a few clicks, you can drag-and-drop fields to dynamically filter, group, and summarize your pivot tables' data. This makes it easier to spot trends, identify patterns, and glean insights from large data sets.  

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a pivot table in Excel without spending hours juggling with complex data.

What is a pivot table in Excel?

A pivot table is one of Excel's most useful data analysis features. These tables provide an interactive yet easy way to reorganize, analyze, and summarize data. In a few clicks, pivot tables can help you discover key insights, trends, and patterns hidden within your data set that would be difficult to uncover otherwise.[1]

What are pivot tables used for?

Pivot tables are a versatile tool for exploring and making sense of data. With pivot tables, you can:

  • Summarize and aggregate data: Pivot tables allow you to calculate totals, averages, counts, and perform other aggregate functions for your data.

  • Compare and analyze data: You can compare different data points, identify trends, and analyze relationships between variables.

  • Filter and sort data: Pivot tables provide flexible filtering and sorting options, allowing you to focus on specific subsets of data.

How to create a pivot table in Excel

Excel pivot tables are easier to make than you may think. Follow these simple instructions to transform your raw data into a simpler version and use it to draw meaningful insights.

Enter data into a range of rows and columns

Begin by entering all your data in a worksheet within a spreadsheet. Make sure to organize it into rows and columns, and add a header to each column.

Worksheet screenshot for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Enter your data into a worksheet

Highlight your cells to create your pivot table

With your data in place, it's time to highlight the cells that contain the data range you want to include in your pivot table. Selecting the relevant data will help you ensure that the pivot table captures the necessary information for analysis.

Excel screenshot of selected data for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

 Select the data you want to create a pivot table with

Then select the "Insert" tab, and click on "PivotTable."

Excel screenshot of Insert tab for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Select PivotTable from the Insert tab

Next, choose if you want the pivot table to be added to a new or existing worksheet and click on OK.

Screenshot of choosing worksheet options in Excel for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Choose whether you want your pivot table adding to a new or existing worksheet

Drag-and-drop fields into the "row labels" and "values" areas

Excel’s drag-and-drop feature makes it fun to build your pivot table. Just decide which data you want in your columns and rows and drag the field names into the respective sections.

Screenshot showing how to drag fields into the columns and rows sections for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Drag fields into the columns and rows sections

Next, you have to decide which values you want to show for each column/row and drag this value into the values field.

Screenshot of values section in Excel for the blog the article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Drag the value field(s) into the Values section

Your pivot table will be updated in real time in the Excel worksheet.

Screenshot showing how the pivot table will update in real time for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

As you build your pivot table, it’ll populate in real time

By default, Excel will summarize the data by either sum, count, or average depending on what type of data is in the values section. You can change this setting by right-clicking on the value name and selecting "Field Settings" in the pop-up menu.

Screenshot of field settings in Excel for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Right-click on the value and select "Field Settings"

Next, select how you would like the data to be summarized. For example, you could choose to show the average cost rather than the total (sum) cost.

Screenshot on how to select your summary method in Excel for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Select your summary method

You can then customize your pivot table by dragging fields around to generate the desired summary and breakdowns. With this flexibility, you can instantly create differently sliced views of your data and analyze it from varied aspects.

Sort your data by a specific attribute

You can sort your data per specific attribute by dragging a field name into the filter section of your pivot table setting. For example, you could show data only for a specific month, or for a certain product.

Screenshot of filter section in Excel for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Drag the field name into the filter section

Excel will then add the filter to the top of your pivot table. Click on the arrow next to the attribute to sort your data.

Screenshot showing how to sort data in Excel for the blog article "How To Create a Pivot Table in Excel"

Click the arrow next to the attribute to sort your data

Key tips to get the most out of pivot tables

  • Data quality: The quality of your data plays a crucial role in the accuracy of your pivot table. Ensure that your data is accurate, complete, and properly formatted before creating a pivot table. Inaccurate or missing data can lead to incorrect results and impact the derived insights.

  • Field selection: Choosing the right fields for your analysis is important. Including irrelevant or unnecessary fields in your pivot table can clutter the analysis and make it harder to draw meaningful insights. Be selective and choose the fields that are relevant to your analysis goals.

  • Refreshing the pivot table: If your data changes or updates, it's essential to refresh your pivot table to ensure the analysis is up to date. Refreshing the pivot table updates the calculations and reflects any changes in the underlying data. Make it a practice to do this refresh regularly to maintain accurate insights.

  • Understanding data relationships: Pivot tables allow you to analyze and visualize data relationships. It's crucial to have a good understanding of the relationships between your data fields to accurately interpret the results. Consider the hierarchical relationships, such as parent-child relationships, when organizing your data in the pivot table.

  • Aggregation methods: Pivot tables offer various aggregation methods, including sum, count, average, etc., to summarize your data. When creating a pivot table, carefully select the aggregation method that best suits your data and analytical needs. As the choice of calculation impacts the summarized values, it's best to understand how options like sum, count, average, etc. will change your data’s meaning.

  • Formatting and layout: The appearance and layout of your pivot table can impact its usability and clarity. Pay attention to formatting options such as fonts, colors, and borders to make your pivot table visually appealing and easy to understand. Experiment with different layouts to present your data effectively.

Elevate your data analysis skills with pivot tables

By following the outlined steps, you can transform your raw data into organized and meaningful insights. Remember to consider factors such as data quality, field selection, and refresh the pivot table to ensure accurate results. 

Expand your expertise in pivot table usage to become more proficient in leveraging data insights and drive informed decision-making for your business with these Capterra resources:

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About the Author

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Alexandra Bower is a freelance writer with a background in TV news as a reporter and anchor. Alexandra covers industries, including, but not limited to, health and wellness, beauty, law, and politics.

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