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Capterra Glossary


Default is a term used to describe a standard value or setting that is used by a computer program unless a different value or setting is specified by the program user. In computer programming, each default value or setting is often recommended by the manufacturer or what most users would typically choose. For instance, a default printer is the type of printer that a computer assumes the end user will use to print their documents unless the end user specifies otherwise. Televisions, computer monitors, smartphones, tablets, and other devices typically feature a button that allows users to restore their device back to its factory presets. It can return all customized device settings to their original, or default, settings.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Default

Returning company devices to their default settings allows small and midsize businesses with limited budgets to reuse and reassign their company devices cost-effectively. These organizations often return former employee devices to their default settings before assigning them to another company employee. This allows the company employee that receives the device to customize their device’s settings as they see fit.

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