Capterra Glossary
Murphy's Law

Capterra Glossary

Murphy's Law

From a technological and business perspective, Murphy's Law is more of a method of anticipating and discussing various types of technical problems that could occur during a device or solution's lifecycle than an actual law. The adjage states that “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (and at the worst possible time).”

In a technical context, Murphyʻs Law is highly relevant to the process of testing software and hardware solutions. Murphyʻs Law suggests that during the testing process, testing equipment will have faults, testers will fail to follow procedure, or run into other types of issues.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Murphy's Law

Small businesses and startups in the engineering and technology industry typically refer to Murphy's Law when testing hardware and software applications. When engineers and software developers test the functionality of equipment and applications, they are often confused or frustrated by a myriad of technical issues. Murphy's Law serves as a reminder that technological issues should be expected, as they can and will occur.

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