Capterra Glossary

Capterra Glossary


Overhead is a term used to define the costs that businesses must pay to keep their business up and running. Overhead expenses are all business expenses not directly related to the manufacturing or sale of products or services. Examples of overhead include licenses and government fees, property taxes, rental costs, administrative salaries, accounting and legal expenses, and insurance. Businesses typically use their overhead expenses to determine their net income. Overhead expenses also help corporations determine how much they must sell their product and service offerings for. Successful businesses use pricing strategies that allow them to cover their overhead costs and turn a profit.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Overhead

Small and midsize businesses must be able to appropriately account for their overhead costs if they intend to maintain their profitability. Small organizations that do not consider their overhead costs when creating a pricing strategy tend to price their products or services too low. This ultimately results in a significant loss of profit, which is not ideal for growing businesses that exist in competitive markets.

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