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HTML5 is the fifth major standard of hypertext markup language that is commonly used to present, modify, and adjust the appearance of webpages and their content. HTML5 was initially developed to fix compatibility issues that affected its predecessor, HTML4. 

Unlike HTML4, HTML5 does not require developers to use proprietary plug-ins and application programming interfaces (APIs) to present or modify the appearance of webpages and their content. HTML5 is fully capable of running various webpage elements by itself. 

HTML5 is free for anyone to use and incorporates easy-to-remember HTML tags such as <video>, <audio>, <header>, <section>, <footer>, and more. HTML5 is supported by all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, which keeps web content consistent.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About HTML5

Small businesses with limited budgets often opt to develop their website in-house instead of outsourcing. This in-house effort often involves HTML5, since it is easy to use and eliminates the need for extensive web development skills. 

HTML5ʻs semantic tags make it easier for employees with little coding experience to configure professional-looking webpages to fit their companyʻs needs. This can save small corporations valuable revenue they would otherwise spend outsourcing website creation to web developers.

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