Capterra Glossary
PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Retrospective

Capterra Glossary

PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Retrospective

Plus, minus, interesting (PMI) retrospective is a brainstorming activity created by Dr. Edward de Bono, that allows participants to consider more than one viewpoint while in a discussion. This form of problem solving promotes creative thinking instead of a traditional way of thinking. PMI retrospective encourages people to leave their opinions behind and focus on the situation at hand and look at it from different perspectives. For example, while using PMI retrospective, a participant might first ask themselves, what is positive about this situation? Next, they will ask themselves, what is negative here? And lastly, what is interesting about this situation? This creates a healthier, more creative thought process. Using PMI retrospective shows people that their opinions might not be the best tool for their judgment.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) Retrospective

A method of discussion like PMI retrospective is important to consider in small and midsize business settings, as it encourages all team members to come together and look at the issue from a different perspective, and reach a consensus together. This is helpful when brainstorming marketing campaigns, company gatherings, and strategizing sessions.

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