Capterra Glossary
Survey Research

Capterra Glossary

Survey Research

Survey research is a method of obtaining quantitative data by collecting information from participants. To conduct the research, participants are asked a series of questions, and their responses are analyzed by a researcher to reach a conclusion. Such research can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via the internet. 

Businesses typically conduct survey research to gather anonymous customer feedback about their products, services, and customer service performance. This helps businesses to improve their business activities.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Survey Research

Small and midsize businesses (SMBs) have to understand changing market trends to meet or exceed customer expectations. Survey research can be a valuable tool for SMBs who wish to improve their product, services, and/or service offerings. 

Businesses can use survey research to solicit customer feedback about recent launches. The data can also help to improve upon their current offerings.

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