Employee ManagementHuman Resources

A Guide to Effective Employee Performance Management

Headshot of April Khan
By April Khan - Guest Contributor

5 min read
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The ultimate strategy for optimizing performance and organizational growth.

Monitoring your employees' performance is one of the most important aspects of organizational growth. Tracking their performance helps you pinpoint areas that need improvement so you can take the steps necessary to address them. This results in a higher employee retention rate and a boost in team morale. Not to mention more opportunities for employees to move up the ladder within your organization.

However, you need a system to track your employees' performance over time to see these benefits. With a performance tracking system, you can easily spot performance issues while identifying employees who consistently outperform and overperform. This is an excellent way to move employees into opportunities that are better suited for them, ensuring operational success.

What is employee performance management?

The way employees perform their everyday duties directly impacts your organization's growth.[1] From C-suite employees to receptionists, everyone plays an integral part–no matter how big or small the role. Employee performance management is a process that ensures each employee's goals sync with those of your organization.

In a nutshell, employee performance management assists each employee in being a better contributor to your business. There are several methods to ensure this process goes smoothly. 

They include:

  • Setting clear and achievable goals for each team and team member. 

  • Systematically tracking the performance of every department and its members.

  • Providing feedback to encourage employees and, in some instances, to correct behaviors that prevent them from reaching goals. 

  • Helping your team members reach their goals through supportive measures. 

By following these methods, your employees are more likely to reach and exceed company goals.

The benefits of effective performance management

One of the most significant benefits of effective performance management is continual growth.

The system used to monitor employee performance also assists them in being more productive. It ensures that everyone knows what's expected of them and how to do what's expected of them.

Other benefits include:

  • Happier customers

  • Higher productivity[2]

  • Greater employee satisfaction

  • Boost in revenue

Administering regular feedback is crucial not only to your company's growth but to your employees as well. It helps them recognize where they're excelling and where they need a bit more attention and training. This open dialogue encourages your employees to share the obstacles they might be facing and possible solutions.

Steps involved in performance management

A good performance management system follows a sequence of well-defined steps. 

1. Establish performance objectives.

The first step is to establish performance objectives for each employee. These objectives must be specific and measurable.[3]

2. Track your employee's performance.

You must regularly track your employee's performance against your set objectives. This ensures they're on track to reach them. If they fall short, brief feedback or coaching sessions might be necessary to get them back on track.

3. Have regular performance appraisals.

Like the second step, regular checkpoints allow employees and management to assess and talk about their goal performance and how better to reach them. During this appraisal, you might find that one or more employees are better suited for other positions.

4. Provide a development plan for each employee.

This plan should outline a roadmap identifying areas that need improvement and ways to improve them. This helps you stay on top of your metrics while employees learn ways to achieve career growth.

How to implement a successful performance management system

Implement a successful employee performance management system by following these best practices:

  • Make your rules clear and easy for everyone to understand.[4]

  • Brief your managers and assistant managers of these rules. Identify individuals who have trouble understanding these rules and provide training if necessary.

  • Keep track of your employees' performance using technological tools for better time management.

  • Set monthly meetings for employees and management to review feedback, then discuss ways to improve or continually achieve goals.

  • Make improvements where necessary.

Ensure your management and employees know feedback isn't synonymous with chastisement. Instead, it is an excellent way to identify areas where guidelines may be challenging to comprehend. Encourage them to be open about this. You might find that a few areas need to be rewritten for clarity.

Common mistakes in performance management

While there are many benefits to performance management, a few things could go wrong when implemented incorrectly. 

   Don't neglect regular feedback

If you don't give feedback regularly enough, a small problem could balloon into a much bigger one. It may also lead to misunderstandings and employee dissatisfaction. Frequent feedback prevents the loss of revenue, customers, and employees.[5]

   Focus on more than metrics

Avoid only focusing on your numbers and metrics. While these are essential areas of focus, short-sightedness can mask leaks in the funnel. Always have your eyes peeled for the why and who. "Why is this metric failing?" and "Whose contributes to its growth?"

   Listen to your employees

A survey by Gartner revealed that employee-owned performance management improves utility by 19 percent.[6] They also found organizations that involve employees in shaping performance management practices see more success. This is important since most employees want to tell you what they're struggling with before it becomes an issue. Encourage them to come to you before it's time to go to them. This is the least costly option. 

   Stay away from rigid performance management systems

According to additional research, only 38% of HR leaders agree that performance management keeps pace with their business needs; the others find it too rigid.[6] Rigid systems restrict you from accommodating movement within your organization. Sometimes, shifting an employee from one position or role into another is necessary to better utilize their skills. Additionally, you might have to return to the drawing board and revise your business goals. If your system is too rigid, you won't be able to do this. A flexible approach creates a responsive workplace that evolves with your needs.

Take your next steps in implementing an effective performance management system

A well-functioning employee performance management system is less about the end goal and more about the journey.[7] It's about stopping the leaks before they become floods.

To achieve the growth and success your business deserves, it's important to involve everyone in the effort. Make sure all your employees understand how vital they are to your company's growth through regular feedback. And remember that a productive feedback session goes both ways. Allowing your employee to contribute to the conversation improves their satisfaction and facilitates a positive workplace.

For more information on performance management systems, check out the following resources:

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About the Author

Headshot of April Khan

April Khan is an experienced writer specializing in medical and marketing topics. As the owner of Gud Agency Inc., she published articles for companies including DropBox, NHS, and LG. Khan is educated in Media, Health Communications, and Healthcare Law.

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