Capterra Glossary

Capterra Glossary


Nomophobia (short for no mobile phone phobia) is a term used to describe a psychological disorder people experience when they are afraid of being detached from their cellular device. Symptoms of nomophobia include anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. Smartphones have provided younger generations with a constant connection with others, however, these online connections have replaced face-to-face relationships. This can lead to social anxiety and feelings of awkwardness when those who are attached to a mobile device are put into a social setting without one. Personal insecurity is a huge driving force for those with nomophobia, since their online social circle is constantly accessible to them. Unlimited access to technology at home, school, and work has significantly increased cases of nomophobia. This access is thought to make work life more efficient, but it has been reported that nomophobia has reduced work productivity and performance, making businesses suffer as a whole.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About Nomophobia

Nomophobia is a growing concern for small and midsize businesses, as it tends to decrease employee productivity and morale. Corporations that experience low levels of employee productivity and morale are less likely to succeed than corporations that feature productive, lively work environments. It is for this reason that small and midsize corporations should encourage employees that are experiencing symptoms of nomophobia to monitor their device usage by downloading usage tracking apps, and seek out ways to help deal with their nomophobia in a healthy manner.

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