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Capterra Glossary

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)

In my humble opinion (IMHO) is an abbreviation that is often used in texts, emails, and direct messages across social media platforms. The phrase ‘IMHO’ means that a person is qualifying a statement based on their personal view, and hence, it is not to be accepted as a fact.

What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know About IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)

Small and midsize corporations often use the chat abbreviation ‘IMHO’ for brief, internal business communications. For instance, if a company employee wants to give one of their coworkers business advice in an informal manner via text, they can use the abbreviation IMHO followed by a piece of helpful advice. This communicates to their coworker that although they are willing to give them business advice, it should not be taken as a fact, as it is based on their personal opinion.

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